Monday, February 15, 2016

Experimental film project: uno

I took on the role of a mad artist posing as a scientist during the making of this project. I experimented with bleach, hydrogen procide, vinager, salt, paint and coffee all within my kitchen sink. Glad my roommate wasn't home all the while, he is a neat freak and would have had a conniption fit with the wonderful mess I made. Inks, sand paper, and sharpies were also used during my experiment with clear leader and old film stock. My brightest idea which failed... (A few of my experiments failed, just to let it be known, but my brightest idea) was to sprinkle salt and coffee along different sections of the film and then pour bleach over it, my assumption was that it would make sweet patterns, it did not. This project proved multiple times that my assumptions were plum wrong. Bleaching was my upmost favorite part of this project, instant gratification!

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